Ugrás a fő tartalomra

Zsolt Sőrés Ahad & Jason Robinson (USA) & Attila Dóra & Róbert Gál (CZ/SK)... and?

2011. július 9. szombat, 20h

Róbert Gál (CZ) - poetry
Jason Robinson (USA) - reeds
Attila Dóra - baritone & tenorsax, audiomulch
Zsolt Sőrés Ahad - viola, home-made objects, electronics
Rovar17 - laptop
Noizerr - laptop
PLE - analog synthesizer, theremin

Jason Robinson (born 20 September 1975 in California) is an American jazz saxophonist, electronic musician, and composer. His musical projects cover a wide swath of creative approaches that draw heavily from post-1960s jazz experimentalism, more traditional post-bop performance practices, and emerging electronic music technologies. In addition to an extensive career leading his own groups and performing solo, Robinson co-founded the acclaimed collaborative avant-jazz group Cosmologic and Cross Border Trio, the latter a group featuring bassist Rob Thorsen and Mexican drummer Paquito Villa. Robinson has also performed extensively in the American reggae and jam band scenes, most notably with the Sonoma County, California-based internationally touring roots reggae group Groundation.

Robinson grew up in Folsom, California, where he first studied jazz under saxophonist Jeff Alkire and graduated from Folsom High School, where he was mentored by music director and saxophonist Curtis Gaesser. As a teenager, he frequented the jam sessions of Sacramento, then part of a thriving jazz scene in the Capital City.

Robinson studied jazz at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and Sonoma State University in Sonoma County, California. Receiving degrees in Jazz Studies and Philosophy from Sonoma State, Robinson was mentored by the late bassist and composer Mel Graves, who also recorded on From the Sun, Robinson's first album as a leader. It was in Sonoma County that many of Robinson’s most important early musical partnerships were developed. He a founding member of the group Cannonball (an early group of San Francisco's Jazz Mafia), was the first saxophonist in the influential roots reggae group Groundation, collaborated with a huge variety of Bay Area jazz musicians, and founded Circumvention Music.

Zsolt Sőrés Ahad:

Atilla Dóra:

Róbert Gál (1968) is a Prague-based Slovak writer & performer. He’s the author of several books of philosophical aphorisms and the novels Krídlovanie (On Wing) and Agnómia (2006 and 2008, in Czech 2010). His texts are difficult to categorize by genre, but were included in many international magazines and anthologies. A selection of Gál’s aphorisms, together with his work Znaky a príznaky (2003) was also published as a book in English (Signs & Symptoms, Twisted Spoon Press 2003). An extensive excerpt from Agnomia was selected for the prestigious anthology Best European Fiction 2012 to be published by Dalkey Archive Press in the US this fall.

1095 Budapest IX.,
Soroksári út 58. Közvágóhíd
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