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ToBe Continued... 2013 World TB Day

I will be participating to this live streaming event called ToBe Continued... 2013 on 24th of March which will continue for 24 hours for the World Tuberculosis Day, playing alongside great artist such as Pauline Oliveros, Eyvind Kang, Alessandro Bosetti, Edgars Rubenis, David Fenech, Plamen Hubenov, Christian Skjødt and many other artists from different countries specialised in a variety of styles and approach to sound art, electronic, improvised, new music in the experimental and contemporary music background scene. There will be a 30 minutes window for each participant during the 24 hours online marathon where every artist from his/her respective listening point from their respective country will perform their compositions / soundworks. Hope you will be listening this extraordinary program. Many thanks to Stazione Di Topolò for organizing this event and for making my participation possible.

ToBe Continued... 2013
World TB Day

starting at 00.00 till midnight (GMT+1) on March 24th, 2013
Sounds from Stazione di Topolò/Global Health Incubator across the World and back

ToBe Continued
is coming back on March 24th, World TB Day

ToBe Continued is an original concert lasting 24 hours (from 00.00 hours to the midnight of March 24th), during which musicians from many parts of the World will be connected to a website that will broadcast their concerts. During this un-interrupted 24 hour marathon (ToBe Continued... in fact) each musician has at disposal a 30-minute window, thus creating a relay of sounds and rhythms that will range from the different streams of the "new music".
 The event, that will cover the 24th of March, World TB Day, in its entirety, is  coordinated by Antonio Della Marina, musician and computer music composer, and by Moreno Miorelli, artistic director of the annual gathering "Stazione di Topolò/Postaja Topolove". The whole initiative is under the aegis of the Global Health Incubator, the 'laboratory' established in July 2009 in Topolo' by Mario Raviglione (WHO director of Stop TB Department) to create links between the world of creativity and that of science.
The participating musicians will perform live from many different countries: from USA, Chile, New Zealand, China, Iran, Mexico, Venezuela, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, Lebanon, Armenia, Turkey and many European countries (Russia, Ukraina, Transnistria,  Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, France, Belgium, Slovenja, Greece, Romania, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Austria, Croatia, Albania, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Faroer Islands, Hungary, Sweden, Denmark), creating a symbolical tour of the world with 48 stops, starting and ending in Topolò.
Anybody can listen to ToBe Continued...,as long as an internet connection is available, by connecting to the website
This year project also includes several public listening points (bars, libraries, cultural centers, art galleries, shops, all listed on the website) that will broadcast the concert.
Tuberculosis (abbreviated as TB in English and TBC in Italian) is a curable disease. However, it  is often underestimated, if not totally ignored, as a major human scourge, although it is globally the leading cause of death from an infectious disease, causing the loss of 1.7 million people each year, 4000 every day, with thousands of unnecessary victims also in the richest countries every year.
The project ToBe also part of the initiatives organized by Stop TB Italia to commemorate World TB Day. The event has the patronage of StopTB Partnership and thanks to Eli Lilly MDR-TB Partnership and the collaboration with UNIKUM - Culture Centre of the University of Klagenfurt, that will provide the facilities for the coordination of the concerts.
info: 0039 335 5643017 / 0039 0432 731818


Antonio Della Marina - Topolò (Italy)
Pauline Oliveros, - New York
Biggi Vinkeloe - Stockolm
Edgars Rubenis - Riga
Christos Sakellaridis - Athens
Ji-yeon Kim - Seul
Bogdan Dullsky - Tiraspol  (
Alessandro Bosetti - Palermo
Plamen Hubenov ( fl3xibl3 ) - Sofia
Sandro Carta e Massimo Croce - Tribil Inferiore (Italy)
Arsenije Jovanovic - Rovinij (Croatia)
The Urkumas - Tuglie (Italy)
Orka – Torshavn  (
Faroe Islands)
Maia Urstad - Bergen (Norway)
a.del4rge - Caracas
Peter Knight - Melbourne
Andrey Kireyev - Saint Petersburg (Russia)
Low Frequency Orchestra - Vienna
Hiroshi Matoba - Tokyo
Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec - Ljubljana
Vadim Koval aka Sun-inside - Donetsk (Ukraina)
Tristan Knobel aka Restive - Capetown
Makunouchi Bento -
Timişoara (Romania)
Sunna Gunnlaugs - Kopavogur  (Iceland)
Zsolt Sőrés Ahad - Budapest
Irradiador - Mexico City
Eyvind Kang  - Seattle
Alessandra Celletti - Roma
Richard Deutsch -
Saint Petersburg (USA)
Marcelo Armani -
São Paulo
Christian Skjodt -
Ålborg (Denmark)
Volkan Incuvez - Istanbul
José Villablanca - Santiago de Chile
Andre Goncalves - Lisbon
Yan Jun - Beijing
3quaitmen - Torino
Pawel Pesel - Bytom (Poland)
Charbel Haber - Beirut
David Fenech - Paris
Felicia Atkinson - Brussels
Ilir Lluka - Tirana
Michael Palumbo - Montreal
Vardan Harutyunyan - Yerevan (Armenia)
Mohamed Pazhutan - Teheran
Nimalan Yoganathan - Toronto
James Hayday - Auckland (New Zealand)
Yin Yi - Shangai
Fabrizio Nocci - Berlin


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