Ugrás a fő tartalomra


¤~¤ Contemporary noise night at the RoHAM Bar in Budapest ¤~¤

Thursday, January 12, 2012 - 9:00 pm until 12:00 am
Zsolt Sőrés Ahad opens the night with his project, Don't Eat Group, featuring Balázs Pándi

Don't Eat Group:
live video shooting
audiovisual performance

Concept, live video: András Juhász
Live Music: Balázs Pándi (drums) - Zsolt Sőrés Ahad (viola, analog synths, home-made instruments, effects, electronics) duo
Also Performing: István Diák

Volkova live act (Dalma Berger and Dániel Sándor improvising) finishing it.

Tickets: 700 HUF / 2.50 EUR

Don’t Eat Group independent laboratory was formed in 2006 with the leadership of a video, film and multimedia artist András Juhász. The direct visual and sound co-ordination is based on the intention of the formation of the conceptual bricolage in their projects (as to refer to the construction or creation of a multimedia work from a diverse range of things that happen to be available, and a work created by such a process). Their real-time, multi-layered visual, musical and instrumental improvisations and musical accompaniment to the audio devices (from the circuit bent toys, „hacked” everyday electronics and home-mades to the „classical sense” of musical instruments), digital cameras and imaging devices, as well as the live-action or object-performance. Their various process art performances – by way of the technology all rather immaterial – come from the fragments of time falling out existence consisting of the series of interruptions and our space experience. Don’t Eat Group performed in last years at major festivals in addition to club gigs, like the Temps d’Image Festival 2007 and the 3rd Relative (Cross)Hearings International Contemporary Music Meeting 2010 in Budapest, Screenplay Festival 2011 in Berlin and worked with Hungarian actors and contemporary dancers and such  contemporary noise and improvised musicians as Franz Hautzinger (Vienna, A) and Christian Skjødt (Aalborg, DK).


Vas utca 16.
H-1088 Budapest,
Tel. (program info): +36309484651


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