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Art's Birthday 2009

Kérem, engedjék meg, hogy felhívjam a figyelmüket az Art's Birthday 2009 alábbi eseményére, amelyen jómagam is részt veszek (Ahad aka Sőrés Zsolt - Én aka Tóth Pál duó), s amelynek egy része - a Tilos Rádió jóvoltából - Magyarországon is hallható lesz.

Az Elisabeth Schimana és az Institut für Medienarchaologie által szervezett “Magical Soundmachines” kiállítás még 2009. április 9-ig látogatható Hainburgban!

További részleteket az e-mail folytatásában olvashatnak.

Sőrés Zsolt

Art’s Birthday 2009

on air: 16 January 2009, Ö1, 23.03-24 Uhr; 18 January, Ö1 Kunstradio 23.03-23.45
on site: 17 January 2009, 8-12pm, Kulturfabrik Hainburg, Kulturplatz 1, 2410
Hainburg an der Donau / Lower Austria
on line:,,

Celebrating Art's Birthday is a tradition started by French Fluxus artist Robert Filliou who declared, on January 17th 1963, that Art had been born exactly 1,000,000 years ago: "A man took a dry sponge and dropped it into a bucket full of water. Who that man was is not important. He is dead but art is alive."

Filliou's wonderfully absurd idea has inspired many artists until today.
Throughout the last decades artists continued organising annual celebrations in the spirit of Filliou's "Eternal Network" or "La Fête permanente". In 2009 people all over the world will again be preparing numerous networked birthday parties for art.

Kunstradio is collaborating with Experimental Studio of Slovensky Rozhlas, with IMA (Institute of Media Archaeology) and with Tilos Rádió Budapest for a two-day-happy-birthday-event, as usual online, on site and on air. The “Fête Permanente” will take place at the exhibition “Magical Soundmachines” at the Kulturfabrik Hainburg on the shore of the Danube, close to Vienna and even closer to Bratislava. “Magical Soundmachines” presents a range of unique historical sound generators, recorders and transmitters – and they are here to be played.

On Friday, 16 January 2009, you can witness the performances of two extravagant orchestras formed especially for this occasion: IMA’s magical soundmachines orchestra consists of Austrian musicians playing the rarities displayed in the exhibition, and the second group is the intergalactic joystick orchestra put together by Experimental Studio Bratislava. The third group on this event is a duo by Ahad aka Zsolt Sores and En aka Pal Toth from Budapest. The concert can be listened to via the EBU Ravel satellite (live 8.05-8.40pm CET, 7.05-7.40pm GMT), on Radio Devín (8-9pm CET), on ORF’s Radio Ö1 (live 11.05-12pm CET) and Radio Tilos, Budapest as well as (live 8-12pm CET).

On Saturday, 17 January 2009, we continue with the on site party: everyone is welcome not only to come to Kulturfabrik Hainburg, but also to bring and present sound gifts dedicated to Art. This means: if you would like to perform, either let us know in advance ( or – for spontaneous congratulations – just turn up and join in! We especially encourage using the opportunity to listen into other parties worldwide via web streams, to mix them
and thus approach Filliou’s original vision of the Eternal Network.

Referring to the concepts of flux and spontaneity of art movements such as Dada and Fluxus, we regard this evening as an experiment. The open mic character of this event means that the schedule will be rather loose on Saturday, 17 January: a master of ceremony (Kunstradio has invited the Vienna based actor, performer and theatre principal Hubsi Kramar, to be confirmed) will lead through the evening, allowing for unpredictable situations and surprise performers to merge into the program. En aka Pal Tóth (Budapest) and Astrid Schwarz (Vienna) will contribute live mixes of incoming streams. The following artists will participate: Dorit Chrysler, Klaus Filip, Gameboy Music Club, Andrew Garton, Bernhard Fleischmann, Volkmar Klien, Matthias Mackowsky, Pia Palme, Bruno Pisek and many more.

Since the city of Hainburg is holding their annual ball on the very same day and right next to the “Magical Soundmachines” exhibition, we ask Art’s Birthday visitors to dress up in their finest ball gowns and black tie – another well mannered way of expressing our appreciation for Art.

Bus service between Vienna and Hainburg:
departure 6.30pm, Operngasse 4 / Ring
return 12pm, Kulturfabrik Hainburg
(please register at

For those who cannot come to Hainburg but would still like to contribute by making gifts to Art: please upload your acoustic or visual presents on

In it’s 1.000,0046th year of being, Art needs you more than ever…!


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