Ugrás a fő tartalomra

free four for five @ sirály

2011. május 22., vasárnap, 21:00

Szabadimprovizációs zenei sorozatunkon ezúttal biztos nem lesz hiány a külföldi zenészekből! A házigazda Márkos Albert és Lawrence Williams most Sőrés Zsoltot, Xavier Lopezt és Dafne Vicente-Sandovalt invitálta meg a Sirályba, hogy megmutassák a nagyérdemű közönségnek, milyen amikor egy csellista, szaxofonos, fagottos, brácsás és zongorista hagyományosnak egyáltalán nem nevezhető módon játszik!

Lawrence Williams - szaxofon / saxophone
Dafne Vicente-Sandoval - fagott / bassoon
Sőrés Zsolt Ahad - mélyhegedű / viola
Márkos Albert - cselló / violoncello
Xavier Lopez - laptop, zongora / piano


Felnőtt- 800Ft
Diák- 600Ft

Dafne Vicente-Sandoval, bassoon (1979, France)

After studying classical music, Dafne commits herself to contemporary music. She works with many European ensembles (such as Ensemble Modern,Elision, etc... ) while putting a strong emphasis on personal projects: curating Tokyofeel workshops in Palais de Tokyo, collaboration with composers in order to enrich the solo repertoire of her instrument (Julio Estrada, Richard Barrett, Michael Maierhof) Her instrumental research, outreaching bassoon's sound carachteristics by a renewal of existing extended techniques, drove her naturally to improvisation. Her personal approach centres on the elaboration of a sonically acoustic universe, which finds itself close to electronics in the microtonal complexity emanating from multiphonics. As an improviser, she plays in the duo Either/Or with cellist Severine Ballon, in Axolotl with Xavier Lopez; she has collaborated with musicians such as Ferran Fagés, Liz Albee, Joris Rühl, Pierre-Yves Martel.

Xavier Lopez (piano/laptop, (1981, France)

Studies saxophone piano and drums at Perpignan's conservatory, his hometown. In moves to Amsterdam in 2002 where he studies classical and jazz music. He developed since then an autodidact approach to laptop playing using copyleft software ppooll. His work deals with space and silence perception using memory as a time matrix, creating situations of highly demanding listening who question the musical performance as well than cultural consumption habits. He performs in different settings with a main focus on electro-acoustic sound blendings, often minimalistic, sometimes noisy.His influences range from Free-jazz to Jazzcore, noise music, reductionist approaches to improvisation, onkyo and world music. Lives in Paris since 2006 where he co-organizes the Trashvortex concert series.

1061 Budapest, Király utca 50.


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