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Bejegyzések megjelenítése ebből a hónapból: március, 2011

John Butcher on Free Improvisation – John Butcher a szabadimprovizációról (1998)

John Butcher 15 Simple Statements on Free Improvisation – with Illustrations and Contradictions* John Butcher: Asymptotic Freedom, for feedback saxophone, snare drum, guitar & e-bow. A response to the work of Gustav Metzger. Self Cancellation, Install, Glasgow. 2008. © Philip Berryhill, 2008 1. Group improvisation involves an attempt to make music that no one player could imagine. It should force the musicians beyond their own conceptions. 2. Each player should equally be able to affect the content, form and direction of the music at any moment. 3. The physicality of sound production is inescapably connected with the creation, not just the execution, of the music. 4. Free improvised music is necessarily spontaneous, but is built on a background of years of study, experiment, thought and experience. 5. There exists the possibility of trying to play a music with no history. 6. Free improvisation shows that complexity is actually very natural. 7. Contemporary music seems t...

ZSOLT SŐRÉS AHAD: AHAD'S MASTERS GARDEN III. (2007-2009): THE HARMONIAN BLUES - review by FRANS DE WAARD in VITAL WEEKLY. = No. 772, Week 11 (March 15, 2011)

ZSOLT SŐRÉS AHAD - AHAD'S MASTERS GARDEN III (2CD by Audio Tong / Fourth Dimension ) ...The other disc is by Zsolt Sőrés Ahad , from Hungary, who recently (Vital Weekly 741) was reviewed with a disc he made for the Ronda label, together with én and Q. This new double CD is subtitled ' Ahad's Masters Garden III (2007-2009): The Harmonian Blues ', and as a further subtitle 'music for film, theatre and dance'. Ahad is known from the lively improvised music scene from Hungary, and he plays many instruments, such violin, voice, guitar, tampuram modified sitar, a low-fi optical theremin, zither, percussion etc. Furthermore he gets help from various people on similar instruments. The two discs are quite apart I think. The six pieces on the first disc all seem to delve from the great goldmine of minimal music meeting rock music. Electric violins, hammering guitars and percussion, all in strict minimal tempo, but also with sound ornaments loosely improvised around it. ...


Roham, 2011. március 21. hétfő 20:00 Nemzetközi muzikológiai találkozó a konceptuális művészet jegyében. Tőzsdepszichológia és hangdizájn. Kellemes és kellemetlen videó-szónikus kísérletek az experimentális-, és zajzene különböző részterületein. Az esemény a Goethe-Institut Budapest támogatásával jön létre. -- Felllépők: KOSTOLANY - NOISE IMPROV GROUP (H) AHAD (H) & CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS (D/USA) DIATRIBES + JONAS KOCHER (CH) MARKAS UNREAD /VIDEO BAND/ (H) -- KOSTOLANY - NOISE IMPROV GROUP (H) Lengyel zajzene lengyelek nélkül, tőzsdepszichológiával fűszerezve. Comfort without Compromise. Boros Levente – dobok Keszei Krisztián - basszusgitár Sangre Ltzk - basszusgitár Oscilla - ring modulator, analóg laptop Dóra Attila - fúvósok AHAD (H) & CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS (D/USA) - Christopher Williams (nagybőgő), az immár több mint egy évtizede Berlinben élő experimentális zenész, zeneszerző, muzikológus Kaliforniában, San Diegóban született. A Kaliforniai Egyetemen ...