Ugrás a fő tartalomra

OUT IN NOVEMBER 2010: Zsolt Sőrés' "Ahad's Master's Garden III. (2007 - 2009): The Harmonian Blues 1 and 2" 2CD

"OUT IN NOVEMBER 2010: Zsolt Sőrés' "Ahad's Master's Garden III. (2007 - 2009): The Harmonian Blues 1 and 2" 2CD, which is to be joint-released by Fourth Dimension and AudioTong. Already reviewed in the Adverse Effect Blog (in February 2010), when it was destined for availability only via download, these two discs capture Budapest's prolific and versatile musician, Zsolt Sőrés, in a fully tranced-out fug that draws not only from his background in rock music but also his strong leanings towards the avant-garde and improvisation. As a result, we are treated to some near-mystical and transcendental journeys through a contemporary psychedelia at once recalling Taj Mahal Travellers and the spaceward-bound forays of early Pink Floyd and Can as well as Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock with their grizzled Dadaism and Lee Ranaldo's expansive guitar textures. Inspired by Fourier's Harmonian Opera and several quotations by Hakim Bey, Sőrés' has here created an album that resonates with depth of a nature rarely found these days. In special packaging and limited to 500, this can be pre-ordered via the Shop." (Richard Johnson, Fourth Dimension Records)
Listen to the double album promo track HERE!
"Ahad's Masters Garden III.: The Harmonian Blues" album cover art by Nándor Herczeg (Excerpt only!)


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