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AHAD & DESPERA new double album release at Zeromoon Netlabel


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AMMEn – Ō / Chapters from the Ahad’s Masters Garden Sessions

1. AMMEn – Ō (23:21)
2. ”Rrose Sélavy’s Anémic Cinéma” Session (13:19)
3. The Hell of Retribution and Justice (2:54)
4. The Hell of the Black Rope (14:17)
5. The Hell of Unlimited Suffering (15:39)
6. ”And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him” (21:09)
7. ”The Private Life of a Cat” Live /Fragment/ (18:06)

AHAD – viola, circuit bent toys, crackle box, home-made springophone, lo-tech optical theremin, samples, radio, selected percussions, effects, voice etc.
DESPERA – guitar, effects

The music was analogue tape recorded in mono by Despera in Budapest, September (track 1-6.) and on the ”Ahad’s Masters Garden I.: Shapeshifting” live concert in Bp. at the music club West Balkán, 17th December, 2007 (track 7.). Edited and pre-mastered by Despera at Worstward Records in Tokyo, 2008. Post-mastered by Ahad in Budapest, April, 2010.

– Track 1.: [Emma-ō (閻魔大王):] „The Japanese Buddhist god of the underworld (from the Sanskrit Yama ). He lives in the Yellow Springs under the earth in a huge castle all covered in silver and gold, rosy pearls and other jewels. He is the judge of the dead and notes the sins of those who are sentenced to purgatory, and decides the degree of their punishments according to Buddha's Law. Anyone who has killed an innocent will be thrown into a boiling cauldron full of molten metal. However, if they have made a pilgrimage to each of the 33 shrines of the goddess of mercy Kannon, then all the evil they have done will disappear. Sometimes he is portrayed less pitiless and returns life to those who appear before him. On the last day of the Festival of the Dead, the sea is full of shoryobuni (’soul ships’), for on that day the high tide brings a flood of returning ghost who go back to their spirit world. The sea is luminescent with the light these souls emit, and their whispering can be heard. While the ghosts are embarking, no human ship should come near. Should one stray into the soul-covered sea, the ghosts will ask for pails. The sailors should only offer them pails without bottoms, for if they do not, the ghosts will sink their ship. Currently, Emma-ō is used as a bogeyman to scare little children.” (Micha F. Lindemans,
– Track 2.: Improvisation on a theme from ”Ahad’s Masters Garden I.: Shapeshifting”. Rrose Sélavy aka Marcel Duchamp: ”Anémic Cinéma” (1926) is the first part of Ahad's film soundtrack project ”AMG I.: Shapeshifting”. Duchamp's original film is a silent movie.
– Track 3-5.: A famous Japanese Buddhist text, the Ōjōyōshū (往生要集), or ”Essentials of Birth in the Pure Land” was written before 986 by a monk of the Tendai sect named Genshin (源信). The Ōjōyōshū reads in many ways like Dante’s Inferno, where Genshin depicts various kinds of Buddhist hell realms, where various types of cruel and selfish actions are punished. In keeping with Buddhist theology, the hell realms are not permanent states of rebirth, but one can stay there for a very, very long time before being reborn again. ”The Hell of Retribution and Justice”, where one dwells for 12,500,000 years for destroying life or eating meat and people here are pummeled by demons into mincemeat; ”The Hell of the Black Rope”, where murderers and thieves are flogged with whips of fire and cut with burning axes; ”The Hell of Unlimited Suffering”, where the worst of the worst go: Devadatta, who tried to kill the Buddha a number of times, and split the early monastic community, is said to dwell here, but one day he too will be a Buddha though.
– Track 6.: Revelation 6:8
– Track 7.: Alexander Hammid: ”The Private Life of a Cat” (1944) is the third part of Ahad's film soundtrack project ”AMG I.: Shapeshifting”. Hammid's original film is a silent movie.

Dedicated to the memory of the legendary japanese psychedelic noise rock band Les Rallizes Dénudés and Nobuo Nakagawa (18th April, 1905 – 17th, 1984), director of the horror film masterpiece in 1960, Jigoku
(地獄; Hell).

Special thanks to Enikő Buday, Ishii Junya, Zsolt Koroknai, Men Lareida, Máté Maros, Jeff Surak aka Violet.

Cover art by Ahad (”Cyberdeiwill” series – 1995, mixed media)
Cover design by MÁ

Further informations about Despera (from the band Uramichi):
Further informations about Ahad:

Ahad’s Masters Garden VII.
AMG logo by Buda Varga

9th May, 2010

Ahad's Masters Garden series – list of works

I. Shapeshifting (2007)
– (live solo) soundtracks for the following films: Rrose Sélavy: Anémic Cinéma (1926); Alan Schneider: Samuel Beckett's Film (1965); Alexander Hammid: The Private Life of a Cat (1944).

II. Songs from the Lotus Island – A Prelude for a Collective Ayahuasca Healing /Hommage à Alejandro Jodorowsky/ (2007)
– will be the upcoming release in May, 2010 at ReverbNation by Ahad. This audiowork is a sound collage / special mix for the experimental radio art program Mixmag at the Radio Petőfi, Hungary. Program curated by Tamás Turay.

III. The Harmonian Blues – Music for Film, Theatre and Dance (2007-2009)
– (with the group Desert Chaos) will be the upcoming release in Spring-Early Summer, 2010 as a three-way split double album with Ahad, Audiotong and Fourth Dimension Records. This album contains the music pieces what was composed for the surreal-horror film Ingression by the underground film director from Russian Far-East, Khabarovsk City, Andrey Iskanov.

IV. Empire (2009)
– (live group project with the following participants: Ahad, Csaba Füle from Budapest, Masuda ”Despera” Keisuke and Yoshida ”Sugo” Takayoshi from from the psychedelic rock band Uramichi, Tokyo) live soundtrack for the extant selected 60 mins (at 24 fps) from the originally 485 mins long film Empire (1964) by Andy Warhol.

V. Holy Ghosts in the Machine – In memoriam Ernő Király (2010)
– a lo-fi/lo-tech piece for the Dictaphonia Microcassette Compilation Project, curating and concepted by Hal McGee. Released on Dictaphonia Microcassette Compilation Project Volume 7 (March, 2010)

VI. Drones of New Babylon (2010)
– inspired by Constant Nieuwenhuys, Asger Jorn, Guy Debord and other situationists

VII. Ahad & Despera: AMMEn – Ō / Chapters from the Ahad’s Masters Garden Sessions (2007)
– (double album) released on 9th May, 2010 at Zeromoon Netlabel (zero106).


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